...where every month is Women's History Month



It’s no secret we love Boston. Third Monday in April’s name pays homage to the day the marathon is held each spring. So when we set out to create pieces for Boston, we knew they had to be special.

For our Boston: Past + Present + Future Collection, we had the 2013 Boston terror attack on our hearts as we set out to honor those who came forward to help on that day. We also challenge the running community to pay that love, strength and resiliency forward. Each piece features the Boston finish line coordinates on the front and the Right to Run Manifesto on the back. The Right to Run is held by all of us. Nothing, not even terror, can take that right away. 

For our Hopkinton to Boston pieces, we stripped away all the details that go into a marathon and instead focused on one key thing: get from Hopkinton to Boston. That’s it. Worried about getting lost along the way? The six towns you pass through on your way from Hopkinton to Boston are tucked neatly on the bottom hem of the shirt.