...where every month is Women's History Month

Who We Are

We are a group of runners who believe the Right to Run belongs to all of us. 

Right to Run Manifesto

(Right to Run Manifesto: We, the runners, declare our Right to Run. No runner shall be denied this right on the basis of sex, race, pace or path. We will uphold this right for ourselves and others. None of us Runs free…Til we all Run free.)

At Third Monday in April, we design products that educate and inspire, partner with those who share these values, and donate to organizations working toward a world in which we all run free. In the past, these have included: Equal Justice Initiative, National Black Marathoners Scholarship Fund, Students Run LA, Stride for Stride and Girls on the Run. We've recently adopted and donated gear to our local GOTR team.

Girls on the Run team

Want in? We thought so. You can help by buying a tee (shameless plug), spreading the word about us or finding your own way to add to the conversation. Maybe you're showing up to a group run and chatting with someone new, maybe you're donating to organizations like Stride for Stride, maybe you've got an even better idea. In any case, we're glad you're here.

You still wanna know more? Okay, fine...

Third Monday in April was founded by runner and designer, Amie Kurian, to share the joy (and let's be real, sometimes heartache) that comes along with running. Amie has run more than 25 marathons, including more Boston Marathons than one probably should, She lives, works and runs in Portland, Oregon. Amie's teenage daughters head up Third Monday in April's shipping department. Her mom is our proofreader and the inspiration for our Women's Equality Collection. Ever train for a marathon in a tube top? As one of the first female marathoners in the 1970s, Debbie has. 

4 images showing Third Monday in April founder, Amie Kurian

Love of the run + path open to all

We'd love to chat? Reach out to amie@thirdmondayinapril.com or follow us on instagram @thirdmondayinapril.